Write for us

If you’d like to write for us:

At Meso Lawyer, we are committed to providing our readers with up to date and newsworthy articles written in plain and simple English.

We welcome contributions from lawyers, working for, and advising the public on, all areas of legal matters.

Our aim is to regularly publish articles that are informative, practical and clear. Content length must meet a minimum of 650 words, that is well explained and not complicated for the reader to understand.

If you feel that there are topics we should write about for inclusion on the Meso Lawyer website or you have an article that you wish to submit to the site, please get in touch.For all inquiries, please contact: Scott A, Editing team

Make it fun, and make it easy. This isn’t the law review. Get to the point quickly and make the ride getting there somewhat entertaining. Insert your personality and point of view. If you are telling “how to” do something, break it out in steps, bullets or a numbered list. Provide a short, snappy title that will immediately give readers the gist of your piece, too! Read some of the posts on our website. You’ll get the feel.

Stop selling yourself.  Don’t even think about using this to pitch your product or service. If it smells like selling, it’s selling. And we’ll either pitch it or send it back so you can take another run at it. Don’t worry, we’ll make it easy for our readers to link to you and your website. And we’ll include a brief bio along with your photo on our Experts page. But, if you’re going to tell us about a specific type of product, tell us about several brand or vendor options for it. Let our readers decide from there.

Be brief. Really! 650 to 1000 words is perfect. We’ll take less if you can get what needs to be said across in fewer words. If it’s more words, and it’s good, we may create a series of posts.Link it. Like we said, our readers want the straight skinny, and now. If you discuss different products, give us the hyperlinks so they can quickly check them out. If you reference an expert, help us link to their home page. That’s how 300 words can do the work of a 1,000.

Make it NEW. If you’ve published the same thought or tip elsewhere, online or in another medium, we probably don’t want it. Update it, add something new and different, or wait until you have a fresh idea to send. If you want to excerpt or update one of your own, longer works (say you are a famous book author or widely published writer), that might be fine. Ask first. Get reprint permission if needed, and give us the original publishing information and links.

The Fine Print

Be original. When you send us a Dispatch item, you are promising it is your original work. If you quote someone, or refer to, comment on or endorse another’s ideas or work, credit it and give full attribution to sources. Go overboard with your credits and links, we’ll follow them and edit as needed.

We copyscape everything.

Let us do our jobs. When you send a Dispatch item, you agree to be edited to fit our space and style. Nobody’s perfect. We all need good editors, so you’ll have to trust us.


We ask to be the first to publish your “work,” but you keep the original copyright and can republish it however you wish.  We only ask you for the courtesy of including something like “Previously published in MesoLawyer.com“. We also keep the right to reuse the work, for example, in compilations or reviews, but will let you know when we do.Send It!

Please send queries to editors@mesolawyer.com

We will do our best to get back to you promptly.

Meso Lawyer is not responsible for unsolicited manuscripts.

What to Write About?

• Anything that might immediately improve a practicing lawyer’s work or life, including: Something you know really, really well.

• Something you feel passionate about.

• Something that has helped you.

• Checklists, “how to” instructions, the “best of” and “x ways” for anything are always big hits.


Guest Writer Form

Complete the form below to be considered for a publishing gig on our site.


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